Knitting in the Dog Days of Summer

Miraculously, the wool feels light and soft, even in the dog days of summer.  It has been H-O-T here.  Poke your eye out hot.  Sink into the tub with everything but your nose immersed hot.  Hot Hot.  It has not been business suit and pantyhose weather.  That is the sadness of my life in summer.

But, as I said, the wool still feels good.  Maybe that’s because I have been knitting mostly on the manos merino/silk shrug.


I just love this yarn.  The  shrug has a major flaw, though.  You can see about midway down, a line of twisted stitches.  I had to rip back about 6″ after realizing I had started decreasing too late, and I didn’t catch that I had twisted the stitches until last night.  I tried to convince myself it was a charming design detail.  But, this morning it is bugging the snot out of me.  I’m hopeful I can embrace the imperfection and live with it, as I would like to wear this shrug on our vacation next week.  But it’s doubtful.

Yesterday’s mail contained this wonderful organic cotton.  I’m using it to knit a cabled front babysitter for some friends who are having a long awaited baby.  I went for the gender neutral color, thinking that I could always overdye it after it’s finished, but I like this yarn a lot: Blue Sky Alpaca’s organic cotton.


We have also been dyeing silk here this morning, causing Ellie to dance in the rain.



The only thing better than dancing in the rain, is sneaking freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and eating them in the rain!


2 thoughts on “Knitting in the Dog Days of Summer

  1. Knitting when it’s that hot is a daunting task. The colors of the shrug are lovely and the cookie looks delicious.

  2. what a fun post, and what great pictures! y’all make dog days in alabama look not so bad. fwiw, the shrug looks great to me–I’d have thought the row of twisted switches was an on-purpose design thing, really.

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