The Last Pock-et-ful Book

Karen Owen’s Pock-et-ful book, Imagination, was my last book to work in for this round robin.  I have enjoyed these books so much!  Each one  was like a little gem, and my only regret is that all of the artists are so geographically dispersed that there is no way to get everyone together for some sort of gallery unveiling of all of the finished books.

Karen made a wonderful little binder with little pocket pages that she handcut from watercolor paper.  It is an incredibly charming book.

I started out by making the incredibly charming Alice.


Alice lives in a world where her nest is close to the ground.

The nest is close to the ground

But even though she lives close to the ground, Alice has an imagination and she dares herself to be more than she is.


The backside of the page symbolizes the places that Alice’s imagination and daring can take her.


Here is a close up view of the tags.


I had some fun comparing my work on this page to the first round robin book I did way back when, years ago, and seeing how much more depth and completeness there is in my art.  A lot more spontaneity and a lot less planning.  And, although this piece certainly has a loose Alice in Wonderland thing going on, it really is a lot more expressive than representative, which was part of what I where I wanted to go this year — I wanted my work to be more authentic.

Karen is in for a treat when her book makes it home to her!  It is so full of beautiful art.  I’m glad I got to see her book complete.  I really wish I could see all of the others too!

Posted in Art

6 thoughts on “The Last Pock-et-ful Book

  1. oooh! JOyce your page is awesome! and yes I agree about your work..since i have been there to witness the beginnning! Your work defintiely does have more depth and completeness to it…i love your textures and layers you always have added…you do some amazing things!
    thanks for sharing alink to your gorgeous work..Karen is going to love this!~

  2. Joyce, I love it! Talk about imagination – this is perfect. I love the eggs, Alice, the story, the art – everything about it. And the very best part is it will be in my own little hands very soon. :o)
    Thank you so much!

  3. Your pocketful work is wonderful; both in Karen’s and Kim’s books. ellie’s skirt is wonderful. and, I’m really jealous about the iPhone.
    Joanne, who is trying to catch up on blogs

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