I was out early, dyeing some yarn, which led to this:

Early in the morning it's quiet and beautiful and you can hear the birds singing on our street. And the light is beautiful. So, despite my best intentions to take pictures of the Dream in Color Shrug that I finished last night, I have a little hijack to show you beautiful things from the garden this morning. Shrug pictures later — I promise.
My Sister-in-Law gave me daylilies for my birthday about a decade ago. They are still incredibly beautiful.
As is the Echinacea, which I had to replant this year as mine suffered some form of disease that led to mishappen leaves. It's now back to its prior beauty.

I still have a few late Gardenias blooming. Their perfume always reminds me of my Grandmother who grew them on an enormous, beautiful bush.

Our roses are particularly heavenly right now.

And I have high expectations for the tomato plants, mostly cherry tomatoes, that I tuck in empty spaces in the border so that playing children in late summer can snack without coming inside. This is a favorite in our garden every summer.

One of the best things we did, besides underground sprinklers, when we worked on our yard early this year is the long stone wall that prevents erosion alongside our driveway. It is pretty and the cats are incredibly fond of its warm, wide ledge which allows them to perch next to their beloved Catnip. Hermione has decimated the patch she was particularly fond of, and is now reduced to sleeping on the young Rosemary hedge.

This, of course, was the best part of my early morning garden, my faithful helper Ollie, who loves all things outdoors. Not only does he love to run and jump on the new wall, he thinks the $6 nozzle I bought for the hose at Home Depot last weekend is the most righteous toy ever invented. As far as Ollie is concerned, the entire garden grows just for him. I couldn't agree more.